
Data Charts

Precious Metasl Charts

1971 to Present

Gold (since 1971)

Silver (since 1971)

Platinum (since 2000) *all available data

Gold vs. SP500 (since 1971)

Other Charts

Stocks, Bonds, Ratio's, etc.

10-Year U.S. Treasury Yield (since 1980)

10Y-2Y U.S. Treasury Yield Spread [vs.] SP500 Index

Gold-Silver Ratio (since 1971)

Silver Support & Resistance Zones (since 2000)

Risk Disclosure: Purchasing precious metals involves a degree of risk that should be carefully evaluated prior to investing any funds. Treasure Coast Bullion Group strongly recommends reading our Risk Disclosure and conducting due diligence before committing any money. Charts are for informational purposes only. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

All Charts courtesy of www.tradingview.com